Why Harmony?

From ages five to adult, my worldview was formed at a small, multi-cultural church on the south side of Chicago. My pastor was a seasoned white man, Pastor Theme. He was a kind, gentle-spirited man who loved the Lord and served our church and school community with joy. The elders of my church were men, both black and white. I knew them by name, and they knew me and my family. My mom was the PTA president of our school, and my dad was a key member of the church choir. Back then, you practically lived at church! One thing was constant: I saw God’s people, black and white, worshipping and working together in harmony.

I love harmony and diversity in all settings, but especially places where God’s people gather. While my upbringing plays a pivotal role in this, I truly believe God’s eternal plan, “… a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…” (Revelations 7:9) is heavenly. This sounds like unity and harmony to me. God is being worshipped by a variety of people. Every nation. Just the idea of having a piece of that here on earth, “as it is in heaven,” brings me such joy.

This past July, I attended my 10th Harmony Worship Service! I remember each service fondly. Each time I looked around the room, I saw it…young, old, black, white, brown, various churches represented, some strangers (but not for long), everyone singing, praying, and praising in one accord. The service we just had was beautiful. When the service was over, church really started with hugs and tears, smiles and conversations, and food and loving fellowship. The opportunity to have experiences like this, is why I’m a part of the Harmony CORE-alition. I hope to see you at our next Harmony event.


A Lifetime of Learning and Growing