We are Harmony Seekers.

Our Mission: We pursue racial harmony by identifying and addressing injustices in our community and world.

Our Purpose: We exist to create community, racial reconciliation, and education for the world to know true harmony.

Our Vision: Harmony empowers individuals and communities to dismantle racially unjust strongholds in themselves, their community, and the world.

Our Story

The work of Harmony began in 2003, when Lamont and Lovie launched a Christian clothing company called Calvary Clothing. Kinfolk, the name of the first line, promotes family, unity, and racial reconciliation.

After years in the clothing and retail industry, Lamont began working with at-risk youth for a non-profit in Franklin, Tennessee. The organization was supported by Fourth Avenue Church of Christ. While attending this church, the pastor asked Lamont to help the congregation with diversity and racial reconciliation. In 2014, Lamont met with several ministers in Franklin to encourage them to come together for a series of prayer and worship services. At Fourth Avenue, the first “Harmony Service” was born! The first service had over 400 people in attendance. Other services were hosted at various churches throughout the city of Franklin and one in Antioch. Many of us enjoyed and were blessed by these multi-racial services.

Then, in early 2020, Lamont and Lovie wanted to take the harmony experience from the church building to individual homes with groups of people who wanted to love and learn together. They invited several they felt had a heart for racial reconciliation to a meeting to consider further discussions, calling us to Harmony (accord, agreement, peace, friendship, cooperation, unity, sympathy, and like-mindedness) and to become a Community of Reconciliation Educators (C.O.R.E.). After that first meeting in February 2020, bi-weekly family gatherings turned into transparent discussions, readings, book talks, prayer, worship, trainings, listening circles, field trips and much, much more! Throughout 2020, we read, listened, learned, shared, cried, and supported one another. Not only did we survive 2020, but we thrived and grew to love one another dearly.

Now, in 2021, the Harmony CORE-alition group, still growing, has become a non-profit charitable organization (a division of SOLDIERS). We invite you to join our mission, and we are excited to bring Harmony to your organization, church, and community.