Why We are Harmony Seekers

We are a part of Harmony because of the mission Christ gave to all His followers. It can be summarized: love God with all your being AND love people (Matthew 22:37-40). God has called us to love people, and Harmony is a tool that helps us carry out this mission. The purpose of Harmony CORE-alition is “… to create community, racial reconciliation, and education for the world to know true harmony.” Because of current events in America, we believe racial reconciliation is important, and we try to actively be a part of the solution and not simply add to the problem.


Being a Harmony Seeker isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s much easier to remain silent if you know what you say isn’t going to be received well. It’s hard to embrace differences and change your belief that your racial group, political affiliation, church denomination, or family of origin has all the answers. Just maybe, God wants us to go beyond the fear of the different and unknown to a state of understanding and empathy.


In our current culture, how can you seek Harmony? Can you speak up for the underrepresented in your workplace or learn more about the underserved in your zip code? Will you find ways to help the marginalized and overlooked? Will you take a moment to learn more about the institutions that legally created “the wrong side of the tracks” creating wealth gaps between people of different races? Will you teach your children to use their gifts and abilities to build up others?


While we don’t always do this perfectly, our life mission is to love our Heavenly Father with all our being and love our neighbor as ourselves.  Being a Harmony Seeker is a journey with peaks and valleys. However, if you trust that God believes in reconciliation and healing, there will always be opportunities for you to seek Harmony as you seek Him!


A Lifetime of Learning and Growing


Unity Does Not Equate Uniformity